Miranda Vick
Writing Samples
Feature story
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Division of Institutional Advancement
November 2021
I write compelling stories about UTRGV scholarship donors, scholarship recipients, and more. Stories like this are written with one goal in mind: to inspire generosity throughout the entire university community - and beyond.
While serving as a copywriter for the UTRGV School of Medicine, I wrote online profile pages like this for numerous health care workers. These pages were crafted so patients could learn more about their doctors and the high-quality care they provide.

Newspaper cover
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
May 2020
For a final project in my Copy Editing course, I created this newspaper cover using Adobe InDesign. I arranged the layout, selected which news stories were best for the front page, and edited all written content for AP style, grammar, and clarity. I also wrote the headlines and photo captions.
The news stories and photos were provided but required editing.

Published narrative essay
Gallery: A Literary & Arts Magazine
May 2020
This is a narrative essay I wrote that explores themes of familial love and acceptance in Mexican culture. The essay is based on a personal experience, and it allowed me to demonstrate my skills as a storyteller and creative writer. This essay was one of the few works in the magazine that was selected for a contest entry.

Edited news story
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
February 2020
This is a news story I revised in my Copy Editing course. I condensed the story and eliminated all grammatical and AP style errors. Compare the original copy to my revised copy to see how I work as an editor.

Entertainment news story
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Mission High School Encore Theatre
November 2019
I wrote this entertainment news story while working as a “reporter” in my Writing for Mass Media course. I attended a high school play in my hometown, conducted several interviews with students and staff, and gathered the information I needed to complete my story.

Breaking news story
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
November 2019
I wrote this mock breaking news story in one hour. The story describes an apartment fire and includes statements from first responders and survivors. This news assignment introduced me to the fast-paced world of journalism. My notetaking, storytelling, and time management skills were all tested while completing this story.